International Literacy Educators Coalition


To promote literacy learning practices that enable all children and youth to realize their full potential as literate, thinking human beings.


ILEC advocates for educators and families to make responsive, research-informed decisions for literacy learning that realize the potential of diverse learners to be literate, critical thinkers.

June 2024 Events

Webinar: The Truth About Reading: The Eyes and Brain at Work. 


Tuesday June 25th at 7:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM CST and Wednesday June 26th at 9:00 AM in Newcastle Australia –


We are limited to 500 participants. CEU certificates are available upon request.  Register in advance for this free webinar:

Discussions: Keeping Up with Research Discussions.  Join us for open-ended discussions based on relevant academic articles of the day with reading scholars, teachers, researchers, parents, reading specialists, and others who are interested in literacy.  These incredible learning experiences are open to all.  No registration is needed. 

Click in at:



What Matters Most? Toward a Robust and Socially Just Science of Reading, Aukerman and Schuldt


Tuesday July 9th at 7:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM CST and Wednesday July 10th at 9:00 AM in Newcastle Australia –

https://ila.onlinelibrary. rrq.406



Decoding, Reading and Writing: The Double: Helix Theory of Teaching, Wyse and Hacking


Tuesday July 23rd  at 7:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM CST and Wednesday July 24th at 9:00 AM in Newcastle Australia -

https://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/epdf/10.1111/lit.12367

May 7thTrusting Readers: Attending to the Affective Side of Reading Development.  Hannah Schneedwind and Jennifer Scoggin will be doing a free professional development for teachers.  Minnesota State University will provide CEU certificates.

May 8th: Please join us for an initial Minnesota ILEC meeting for literacy professors, literacy leaders, and teachers on May 8th from 5:30-6:30.


The purpose of this meeting is to have an initial discussion about ways we can support one another during this time of SoR mandates. This support could include:

*Collaborating on literacy instruction without repercussions
*Creating a depository and sharing resources and research

*Creating a response to The Read Act

*Gathering in a group with other concerned MN literacy educators to support one another

How could a MN Literacy Educators group support your work and sanity? Please bring any ideas you might have.


Also, please share this invitation with anyone in MN that you believe would be interested.


May 13th – How to Teach Writing, K-8 and Beyond, Dr. Andy Johnson will be doing a free, interactive Webinar focusing on how to develop students’ ability to write.  Participants will leave this session with an understanding of how to teach the writing process and a variety of new strategies and activities that can be used in classrooms from kindergarten through grade 8 and beyond.  Minnesota State University will again provide CEU certificates.

Featuring conversations about reading comprehension and the "science" of reading. 

April 11th -- The Politics and Reality of the “Science” of Reading,  Rick Meyer, Dr. Koomi Kim, Dr. Paul Thomas, and Rose Reyes, Thursday, April 11th at 7-8:30 EST.  Register now at


April 15th – ILEC conversations.  Our twice monthly (or so) conversations are open to everybody.  You can join teachers, researchers, scholars, and others for these incredible conversations.  Our next is on Monday, April 15th at 7:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM CST, 4:00 PST, or 11:00 AM (April 16) in Newcastle Australia.  If you live in Australia, I encourage you to find a time conversation site online.  We’ve had Daylight Savings Time.) Approximately 60 minutes


April 24th – Debunking SoR Neuroscience Claims.  Dr. Steven Strauss will explore controversies and shed light on the myths and realities of SOR regarding their faulty neuroscience and linguistic claims.  Dr. Strauss will share his critical analysis of the false neuroscience and linguistic claims promoted by the Science of Reading.  Insights from experts in neuroscience, linguistics, and biliteracy are the focus of this Webinar.

Wednesday, April 24 at 7 PM EST, 6:00 CST, and 4:00 PST

Webinar Registration - Zoom

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